$5 Cork board Art DIY

I needed to find a way to tie my desk makeover into the decor of my living room, so here was the easy and functional fix!


Cork Board Decor!


Supplies: Cork Board ($5 at Wal-Mart for 4 squares, mounting tape included), Fabric, Modge Podge (not pictured), Glue OR Stapler, scissors

It shows glue in the photo but I ended up using a stapler to avoid the drying process, I will explain both ways.


STEP1: Cut out a square of fabric to fit your cork leaving a few inches of over hang. This is the same left over fabric from the desk I re-did. I only bought a yard and a half of the stuff for like $7 and still have enough left for at least 2 more project! ALWAYS keep your scraps!


STEP2: Cut your fabric and lay cork on top, fold over your corners and staple like so. Be sure fabric is tightly pulled. IF YOU ARE GLUING… put a strip of glue down the side and fold over tightly, lay a heavy book on top of edge till dry. You can instead also secure with paper clips, chip bag clips, bobby pins, hair clips, etc.


STEP3. A completed square should look like so. Back and Front. Now repeat with a second square the same way.


STEP4: Cut out designs from the same fabric, if you are using a fabric that is not a print you may just want to cut out shapes or designs of your own choosing. Here I cut out different shapes from the print.


STEP5: Modge Podge designs onto the 2 uncovered cork boards.


Now hang using the adhesive squares included (if you bought from wal-mart). There are a ton of different ways to hang them, great for odd spaces or small walls and completely functional! These are hanging by the desk with matching fabric, pulls it all together great. The cork matches my burlap curtains awesome as well!


1 thought on “$5 Cork board Art DIY

  1. Pingback: Dollar Store DIY – Pin Board | Home & Garden Enthusiast

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